After reading some literature about retrospective and actions it is not clear to me what to do if team faces big variety of random and small issues during sprint, and these problems do not occur often.
For example, there is: - a bad code region where it is hard to implement new features, but features that touch this code come 1-2 times per year(of course this is just an observation of the historical events and there is no guaranty that this will not change in a month). It will take 1 week to, refactor the code; - Or there was a rare story that requires complicated deployment process, but the same, such stories/tasks happen few times per year and it usually takes 2 days to do it.
Because actions from retrospective take teams time that can be dedicated to implement new product features it is not clear if team should pick any of such actions.
Should team just take the biggest impactful problem despite the fact that it is rare? Or should it collect more data and don't take any action items from retro( besides data collection)?