We are a team of 3 developers, 2 QA, a project manager, and me as stake holder (acting Chief Technical Officer in our small company). We have been working on developing a medium software product for a while, following Scrum process.
We do 2 weeks sprints.
The PM is dividing User Interface (UI) tasks into user stories and each user story has a backend and a front end task. We use JIRA for assigning tasks, writing requirements, preparing scenarios and logging work.
We use Gherkin to write requirements/user stories to make them clear. Each user story is an epic which contains subtasks of function.
We are facing a few problems:
- The developers do NOT follow the requirements of the subtasks; they just depend on sprint planning memories and the UI ( add, edit, delete etc. )
- The devs depend on QA to actually test their code and do not do that themselves
This lead to having buggy/missing functionality software delivered to the QA. Thus missing deadlines and affecting the overall quality, and the morale of the team.
What are some suggestions to handle such issues? I do not like to threaten or use warnings. I tend to keep things positive.