We are trying to do CD where we have a sprint per release on each board. So we are working off a board, and when we either get all the tickets to Review, or just decide to pull a release, we make a new board, and our tool (YouTrack) will flow undone items to the new board.
The question is what does this process look like in most orgs? My feeling is the actual cutting of the new board should just be mechanical because whoever called for the release, there, you got what was agreed to.
One other issue we are trying to figure out is splitting tickets. So I might have been adding some feature to a number of places, but I didn't finish. I should split that ticket somehow so I can show what went in the first release and what is still awaiting another release.
Question is how other teams are doing this process of flowing stories onto CD boards. Mainly I feel now that the tools just do not support the obvious reality that most projects/stacks require multiple, separate releases. Even something as stupid as being able to have links to the 3 platform sprints that are currently being worked on (e.g. iOS, Android, backend) is impossible in YouTrack, so we waste a lot of time going back and forth between sprints. Of course we could make a single sprint, but then we don't have the clarity of a sprint that maps to a specific release.