I work as a software engineer in a team of 5 devs that develop and maintain 4 different projects
I'm mainly responsible for 2 products:
- a "trashware" product, and some part of a legacy system.
- a synchronization solution that sync customers info with a tier-part CRM
1 dev and 1 intern work on a financial analysis app
1 dev and 1 intern work on HR app that measures accountants productivity
I'm kinda a tech lead & scrum master in the team, but not fully:
I used to have some dev tasks in the other products. But now I'm more focused on my old ones.
I help the other devs to take technical decisions. But they can also make their own decisions if they decide so.
I'm not necessarily involved in all discussions, the product owner (CEO) can directly contact a dev and give him a task or clarify issues.
The dev can contact a designer to discuss UI and UX.
I do sprint planning with each sub-team, but sometimes I ask devs to clarify some specs to me. Recently, I ask my colleagues to do sprint planning without me because I have a lot of work in my main products.
I feel a bit confused because they know details better than me.
I'm also responsible for presenting and talking about products development states in the management meetings (the CEO can't play this role in these meetings).
I'm the only dev who can work on the 4 products. Other devs work exclusively in one product. They don't know about the other products (especially mines).
Our organization is very flat, it encourages empowerment, and we have a dozen of products (as a service). We don't have real managers i.e only Chief roles, devs, and help desk
It looks like SCRUM doesn't feet our needs, and we are more agile than it ??
I think my team works on many projects at the same time, and recently we don't do code review that much.
Should I ask the manager to alternate and work only on two products instead of 4 during a sprint or a release?
Should we split the team into 3 and redefine responsibilities and roles?
Is there other solutions?