A question about Sprint planning. Let's assume, that Team velocity are 20 Story Point (SP). The most prior Stories in Product Backlog are A (12 SP), B (5 SP) and C (4 SP).
It's easy to see, that if we will take all three tasks (21 SP), most likely we will not finish task C. But if we take only A and B (17 SP) we will finish sprint early.
There are two possible solution:
- take all three task in current Sprint and hope that we will finish it all
- or plan to take only A and B tasks, and after we will finish them, take task C during Sprint.
It seems, that these two solutions are similar. But, in my opinion, there is a difference. It is motivation.
First solution: it will motivate Team to hurry up. But demotivate, if team will not doing all planned work. By my experience, second case happen more often.
Second solution: I saw, that work usually takes all planned time. And it's not related, how exactly time we allocate to this work. So, if we will plan only two tasks in Sprint, we likely will do this two tasks whole Sprint.
What Scrum say about this? Which way we should use?