Editing my question to be appropriate for this board.
What ways of tracking the milestones/events of a project whose dates are changing very often.
My initial thought was to have a timeline that allows the user to easily move the event whenever the date changes but maybe there are other ways to do this.
I am not even sure how to tackle this better because we don't always have set in stone dates. We get a date today, a week later it changes and so forth.
I am interesting in finding a project timeline software that has an interactive >visualization of the actual timeline. This means that if the date of a certain >event has moved, you can just click+hold it and slide it to the new date.
I need something that can be easily modified without having to enter/alter any >text. So, instead of going to a certain event and editing the actual date, you >can just move its marker further from the initial position.
I need this because the dates on my project change often and there are never >100% certain dates. This would allow us to move the marker to a 'proposed date' >and keep on doing this until we have certainty.
An alternative would be a timeline software with which you can easily right >click and "enter a new event". This way we could just delete and easily add a >new mark on the 'proposed date'.
Do you guys know any (open source preferably, but not necessarily) project >timeline software that has this type of user interaction implemented?