I'm the Project Manager for a large application that customers use to collect data on whether their businesses meet certain medical and financial standards. They generally answer a survey explaining how their surgery meets/doesn't meet the standards.
The application has a tool to analyse this information, so that owners of a group of surgeries can see overall how the surgeries equipment are doing .
The owners of the groups are asking for the data to be exportable to Excel or word. I've posed this to our development team, and they don't believe that exporting huge excel or word sheets of data is worthwhile. There arguments are based on:
- The data could be huge to export
- There is no way for them to do anything useful with that many pages
- How would this work for users who use the iphone/android app of the tool
I'm in between a rock an a hard place with them and I'm not sure how best to convince them that this is what we need to do (short of putting my foot down and demanding it!).