I work for a small distributor of technical products. We're about 20 employees strong; our primary business involves sourcing and selling often-obscure technical equipment and accessories.
I've been made team lead of our three-person "data team". Our responsibilities revolve around the maintenance of the rapidly-changing data on which our business depends.
My goal: I want to adopt an effective methodology (or combination thereof) for my team that acknowledges our main challenges:
- My team is involved in both projects and in operations. We must make reasonable progress on priority projects while always reacting to issues brought to our attention.
- Our assigned projects are many, small, and typically short-lived.
In short, the environment is often organizationally chaotic. Several small projects are completed weekly, but even more are created meanwhile, and throughout it all we're bombarded with issues and requests major and minor. Our task lists are growing at all times.
(I won't delve into the steps I've taken to help resolve the 'company culture' side of the problem. I'm concerned here with doing right by my team and by the work we are reasonably capable of doing.)
Is there a methodology (or hybrid) around which to structure my team's work? The vast majority of the methodologies and tools I've encountered are centered around major, multi-step projects that are attacked by project-focused teams. This is not our environment. I'm hoping that people brighter than me have developed effective ways to operate in these or similar conditions. I don't expect a perfect system, but I'm struggling to even find one that will serve as a starting point.
[Note: our company's official project management tool is TeamworkPM. My team uses this daily. However, I'm interested more in a system than a tool; I can adapt our use of TeamworkPM as needed.]