I am planning my Master thesis through Microsoft Project. Since some tasks can be exhausting (e.g. writing), I would like to distribute some selected tasks over many days. For example, I am estimating that working on a section of the thesis would take 9 hours, but I would like to distribute the 9 hours over 3 days (3 hours/day).
One example of my setup for a given task is the following:
- Unit type: Fixed Duration
- Duration: 3 days
- Hours: 9 hours.
However, my issue is with the following task. Here is a screen capture:
As you may see, the task number 6, which has a work duration of 1h, is automatically setup the next working day. However, it is weird since I obviously have the time to do this task right after its predecessors, the same day its finish (my working hours is 9 to 1h30PM, then having 4.5 hours per day available).
All allocation is done automatically using leveling. I tried to reset the start and finish date (since Project consider task 5 to finish at the "end" of the day), but I still have the issue. Both working time and Option-->Schedule-->Hours per day are set up at 4.5 hours per day.
Any idea why Project refuse to behave nicely!? Is there another way to better set up my task for a better hours distribution over days?
Thank you for your help!