I'm working in an agency and we are seven employees. Most of the employees have very specific skills. There is one employee for video productions, two for design, one for social network, one for websites, one for general administration and me for web applications. Two of them are bosses.
Because of those different skills, each person can't be replaced by another. We work mostly alone on our projects but we need others sometimes. We are very autonomous in our work and we manage ourselves most of the time.
We are looking for tools to have a clearer vision of our projects. We want to know if someone is busy or not and when task we assign to others will be done. We also need to see when things goes wrong.
I'm reading about Kanban and Scrum. They seems to be focused on larger teams and bigger projects.
What can we do for us, with fragmented team with short projects?
EDIT 19/07/2016
I plan to do two things. First, I want to add a board with two columns. The first column is for problems. A team member can add a title for a problem an his name in the parentheses. Other persons with the same problem will add their name in the parentheses so we know if it's a personal problem or a team problem. The second column is for ideas of solutions. Ideas can be related to a problem. Once a week, we will have a meeting to speak about problems we live and try to find solutions.
The second board in splitted like this :
| Recurring | To Do | In progress | in validation | done | waiting
Design | | | | | | |
Video | | | | | | |
Dev Web | | | | | | |
Recurring is for tasks we have to do every day, week, month... waiting is for tasks we have to wait for external event. Other columns are self-explicit.
A task must a title, a priority and velocity. The priority is set by the person who add a tasks and the velocity have to be set by the person in charge. I plan to give a number of magnets (3 or 4) and they can place it on tasks they're working on. If they want to work on something else and they haven't a free magnets, they have to do a tasks before to start another.
What you think? I'm not sure about the "To Do" column because a tasks without a magnet is a task to do. Maybe I can find better columns.