As a Scrum Master, I want to help my Product Owner to make an educated guess of when features in a project will be implemented, in order to communicate with stakeholders so that they can manage Scope. Leading to priorities and a release plan forecast.
One way to forecast is to create a backlog of Epics and User Stories and ask the team to give a high-level guesstimates in story points. For example with a Swimlane sizing technique. Then populate the Jira estimation field with these values. After some sprints you could use the Release burndown or Version report to forecast dates when certain features might be completed.
But as Jira only has single Estimation field I am afraid when this fields is already populated this will influence the developer estimations during the Sprint planning meetings, certainly because the initial project estimates might not really size relatively to what we using during our Sprints.
Rather I would like to do:
- Create a high-level guesstimate in T-Shirt sizes (not Story Points)
- Create around two Sprints worth of detailed Story Points estimated Backlog
- Use the velocity of the previous Sprints to calculate how much high-level estimates we can process to give a forecast
- Update guesstimates during Backlog Refinement sessions.
- Preferable automate this with the Jira Version Report
Now my question:
- Do you have a setup like this working in Jira and how did you implement this?
- Do you have a better alternative plan for giving project forecasts in Jira?
- Could we use something else instead of Jira to give these forecasts?