I have been lately confronted to an argument with my top level hierarchy in the deployment of a Kanban process.
As my arguments was to do columns like " Todo, In prog, done, so on ... "
I have also added lines for tasks assignement per person was a good way to track the activity and identify issues throught the project's timeline. Like a corridor for each people in the team in the Kanban board.
But my project manager says that it was more like a " bad tracking" in order to stigmatize people and point the finger to them if tasks doesn't move. If you don't explicitly assign a task to someone, you see it as a big picture and the whole team should move together to assure continuous delivery.
As I'm whole new in this, can you tell me, please, what is the point of explicitly assign a task to someone in a Kanban board ? And what are the advantages and the cons to not do so ?
Thanks you.