I was given the role of managing 5 different teams (iOS, Android, Backend, Firmware and Hardware (electronics)). All these teams consist of no more than 4-5 developers. There is also a QA team (2 engineers) and they are testing all the components, either feature or new firmware.
All teams used to work separately with their own boards, backlogs, and sprints. Last month we started working on features dividing it on stories and moved iOS, Android, and backend to one dev board. Currently, we have 1-2 dynamic feature teams, as some features can have different lifetime and require different developer pairs (for example, iOS+Android+Backend or FW+Backend, etc.) and individuals who are working on small tasks/tech debt or other items.
I need to understand: - What would be the best organization structure of the above teams? Currently, I don't have any idea but to continue working as small feature teams. - How to estimate the productivity of each team member within one board where we are tracking either features or individual tasks. I understand that it would be better to track velocity of the TEAM, however, teams are kinda changing from feature to feature and not stable enough to trust the velocity.
Thank you in advance!