Given: A team of 1 Backend Developer, 2 Front End Developers.
Definition of Done
- US acceptance criteria have to be met
- All subtasks in terms of the user story should be completed
- Back End subtask should be covered with Unit tests
- US are OK'ed by the Product Owner
User Story
As an Admin I want to be able to View the list of users so that I can know how many users are using the service.
- Create API endpoint (Back End)
- Create the view for the user list (Front End)
- Create API calls (Front End)
Problem: When we finish the sprint all front-end related sub-tasks are made and only 60-80% of Backend sub-tasks are completed. Because of that our velocity is low, as we complete less User Stories, but in reality, a lot of work was made.
What is the correct way to distribute User Stories/Sub-tasks between devs so that we can see the real velocity?