I have been using SVN for a long time and now I am moving to git just to be "in fashion".
My trouble is how git project managers/software developers manage the versions of a program: not from the code's perspective, but instead from the customer's perspective.
I have a few projects that each belong to a customer. Each customer under a separate folder has a "projects" folder and possibly a "support" folder. The code of the project exists under each "projects" folder. Under "support" is some supportive documentation/scripts etc.
There is also the case where some clients share a product. Each of those are versions in terms of code or configuration. But it is of the same product.
Now, just trying to do that on the hard disk, I am stuck in that I have the .git under each project. Not under a customer folder. I don't like it, as I guess that this means I need to have a wiki (or a text file?) to remember(!) where the git repositories belong (for example, if a laptop goes busted... and I need to get all the git repositories. I have to have somehow get the repositories back on the disk).
On the other hand would it be better to have the git repository under the customer folder? But in that case, if I need to do "stash/branch/merge" would this "harm" the rest of the projects under the same "customer-umbrella-git" directory?
I can not imagine what would be stashed/merged/branched if one customer needs feature X for product Y and at the same time I need to fix a bug for project B. Having the git repositories under the customer's folder scares me.
Or is there a way to put a git property perhaps somewhere and eclipse/idea/windows explorer ( yeah sure...) would read this and give me a quick acknowledgement of what projects I have under what customer?
How do you manage this?