My company (western Europe) needs to outsource a project, and I received an offer from a eastern Europe software company.
The proposal consists of a main part and an optional part. The work is detailed in term of effort/day, roles (software developer, architect etc) and phases (analysis, dev).
The hourly rate per role is given and the final budget is calculate accordingly.
What margin do I have to negotiate the offer and how do I do it?
I checked around hourly rates for eastern Europe, they look in line, maybe slightly above than average
The main dev effort is roughly split in 100 day dev, 30 days testing/QA and 10 days management/analyst. Spread over 4 months (80 days). Difficult for me to evaluate. From scratch? maybe realistic. Maybe they will use an off the shelf open source solution and will be few weeks work, I don't know, we don't have that kind of expertise in house.
I could invent some reason and write a polite email and get maybe 10% discount. Should I do that? Should I ask more detail about technical work and ask a re-estimation of effort? Will be unwise to just accept it like it is?
Should I instead focus on understanding deliverables and maybe "asking for more" at the same price?
If anybody can give me suggestions about evaluation criteria and negotiation strategy, thanks