I am helping my team transition to lean and agile, and before a new person joined last month, no one had any experience whatsoever with this approach. Team members have between 1-10 years of experience with software development and other related fields.
One of the most effective ways I've found to bring the team up to speed on this is to do short educational presentations in our weekly meetings. I usually show a short (5-10 mins) video and then facilitate a discussion. We do in-depth workshops on specific topics as the need arises.
Here are some of the topics I've covered:
- Agile values and principles
- User stories (INVEST, splitting)
- The resource utilization trap
- T-shaped individuals
- Testing
Currently, I don't have a detailed plan as to which concepts I should introduce to the team. Up until now, it hadn't been necessary because the team is pretty much starting from scratch, but I'm starting to reach the limits of this ad hoc approach. I'm also considering doing some knowledge transfer with other (non-technical, e.g. marketing, sales, ops, etc.) teams, so a clear structure would help me.
I've been doing some research to build a kind of "lean/agile curriculum", and I've found Agile Alliance's Subway Map to Agile Practices quite useful in that regard, but I'm wondering if there are other (possibly more "meta") concepts that are missing from there. I'm also wondering about the order those should be presented in. Hence my question:
Q: What should a lean/agile curriculum contain? In what order should lean/agile concepts, practices and tools be introduced to the team? Have you come across such curricula?
NB: I'm looking for advice on "small a agile" that applies regardless of the framework (e.g. Scrum) that is used. As well, to be consistent with the approach, each mini-workshop/presentation should deliver value in that team members would be able to apply it to their day-to-day work, and see a change.