I have some experience in IT myself, but in a different type of projects, so I would love to pick your brains.
The context is that during conversations with some friends I had the impression that delays are completely normal during IT implementations. My experience of it is a bit different. We had some delays, but they were never more than 20-30% of the time planned for the project.
Now, imagine an IT project (implementation of an online platform). It started in mid-2017. The launch was planned for Jan. 2018.
Then it got delayed. First, just 3 months, then 1 additional month, 1 month... We are approaching Nov. 2018, the launch hasn't taken place yet. (No external, unpredictable factors contributed to the delay).
Is it normal in IT? Of course I understand that "normal" is a word that's difficult to define. But I imagine there are a lot of consultants and project managers among you, so you probably experienced some projects and can estimate what happens a lot and what doesn't. What is a typical delay (in %) on an IT-implementation?