So I'm part of a Team with 12 members in which we have recently tried to adopt Scrum/agile processes. I am the Scrum Master of the Team and I am also very new to agile; I'm also an apprentice within the company so the rest of the Team and I are not very familiar with the process.
First of all, I apologize if there are more questions in here than just the title!
So my main issue is that we are a Team that perform a large number of operational roles within our day; we are a Development Team, however we don't get a lot of time for development. Within our Team, we have about 5 development members, 2 main managers, subject matter experts and then also people involved with demand. Our manager wanted us to include everything we do whether it was development or not, however we eventually agreed to just stick to development.
My main issue is that the non-developers really don't want to get on board with the agile process. We are on our 8th Sprint so 16 weeks of agile and even before it began they barely turn up to meetings, report new stories for the board or come to me for any support. How do I get people on board that are so against the process? They have no motivation to complete what's on the board so we are constantly rolling tasks over onto the next Sprint which drags the whole process down and they don't want to help make the process better. The development members are so keen for the process to work, they work well with the tasks, attend all meetings yet it's others that bring the process down it seems.
Another issue that I have is that could we even be running agile as a team due to the fact that we get little time to focus on development? We have so many operational tasks that we have so many tasks roll over onto the next Sprint that I am often wondering if we're just wasting time.
Apologies if it's confusing, it's very hard to explain the situation.