I am looking for out of the box "Scrum" reports (velocity, burn-down, sprint report) that use story points, in the tool Azure Boards/DevOps (formerly known as VSTS).

I played with "Analytics Views" that tie into Power Bi, but nothing even close for the type of data/reports I am trying to pull. I have found dashboard widgets for burn-down & velocity (screenshot). But this data is really only helpful over time, which is the issue...

So my first question is - does anyone know of a way "out of the box" to pull velocity and burn-down charts historically. Something similar to Atlassian (JIRA) Sprint report would be ideal.

Secondly, if not available out of the box (which I suspect), has anyone be able to recreate these concepts (velocity, burn-down, and/or sprint report) using the Analytics Views and Power Bi? I am somewhat familiar, but have no idea how to start this query.

Lastly - any other route to accomplish the goal.

These features seem pretty basic - so I am hoping someone has come across this!

  • 1
    Analytics View + Power BI is the way to go. There are no pre-baked reports. Jun 11, 2019 at 21:07
  • You can create Dashboard widgets to drive most of the questions you have. Jun 11, 2019 at 21:08
  • The Jira Reports don't have a direct equivalent in Azure DevOps at the moment. Jun 11, 2019 at 21:08

2 Answers 2


There are a variety of OOB charts in Azure DevOps. Some simple ones can be viewed under "Charts" after you run a query for your current sprint. (I don't know why they don't display in the Sprint view):

Azure DevOps query for "current sprint"

After you run the query click Charts -- you can then view/edit a number of different charts.

Azure DevOps chart based on query for "current sprint"

Of course you can get fancy with Analytics views and integration with Power BI. But these sound more like what you're after.

Good luck!


There's also AgileInsights, this comes with a built in Sprint Report, much like Jira's. Try it out here: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=Curamobile.teamhealth

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