So my boss put forth a 'research and find out question' to me:
- Are there ANY (absolutely any, no matter the dumbest, but any) metrics for requirements management? Eg. Requirements completeness, consistency and productivity (being the most difficult to nail down i.e. what is meant by productivity).
Similar question with respect to design and architecture level metrics. I.e., do any exist and what are they if they do.
It's kinda fuzzy right now but I wanted to know what are the metrics that you have commonly used at these stages (if at all) and what have you found to be worthwhile. The notion is that most companies can (and do) come up with proprietary metrics to measure stuff related to the requirements/design/architecture phases but are there any 'commonly applicable' ones?
Note: I'm not looking for code related metrics like cyclomatic complexity or bugs/100 LOC or function points
I'm aware of the product backlog in the agile community along with release burndown release burndown charts tend to give you a good idea of things but they don't work as well in a non-story-point estimation environment, IMO. They are good proxies to measure the aforementioned requirements consistency, completeness and productivity aspects but not sure about how well can they cater to that.
I'm well aware of it being a hard problem, I'm not looking for a solution but mere opinion/view points on what have you used or seen/heard being used in this regard. Research paper references more than welcome too :)