I'm a technical lead employed by in an agile IT organization where most teams observe Scrum.
I'm 2 weeks into a task of building a proof-of-concept of a service that is fairly sizable and complex (multiple man-months) and I am the only FTE resource dedicated to the project. While we are waiting for the vendor to provide us particulars - I've begun to do some technical due diligence activity and map requirements to our capabilities, map our use-cases to features, etc, etc and out of this process I've managed to generate a list of dependencies that need resolving (some prerequisites, some deferrable) amongst other artefacts. My work isn't too structured yet.
My manager (VP and stand-in PO) seems to have some issues with this.
- He doubts if my reasoning is valid with most of the dependencies and wants second and third opinions - he wants me to be the one to seek out the further opinions.
- He suggests it's me that work with (potential) stakeholders on requirements, work with the vendor on open topics, etc, etc.
- He thinks my critical approach may be a sign of pessimism but I feel I'm merely trying to quantify and then convert the unknowns to knowns - and clear some ground before work begins.
- We seem to have extended discussions (over slack) about each and it mostly descends into a talk-past-each-other ball-of-mud with no resolution. Drip feeding him information isn't working (or perhaps he's not receptive to unwelcome news).
Things aren't great and are strained in the project. I need to come up with a way to control things that will address the abovementioned "problems" in this early stage but more importantly a process to use as the project ramps up in the build & evaluation stages where things will be busy and there will be no time for process engineering.
If it was a small, trivial task - I'd probably just do it but this is a fairly complex project with many unknowns. What (Agile) methodologies should I follow? Some notes.
- This is a PoC - it may not work (Think 3 month spike?). If it works, it will likely take on a formal scrum team.
- We're strapped for (mainly FTE) resource.
- There's no product owner but my manager assumes the role. The responsibilities so far seem to be "sponsorship" and high-level decision making.
- We've no artefacts from scrum (or design thinking, etc) process - product vision/one pagers, user stories. There were some discussions with the vendor very early on (but I wasn't present for these) - I don't have very much substance to work with except a task to deliver a PoC and some vendor documentation.
- There is a team of 1 - me, the FTE engineer who's also wearing solution design/tech. lead/product owner hats - as well as that of a Scrum Master when things pick up. (I sense a few conflicts of interest to resolve here).
- Being something I am familiar with, I'm inclined to using some light-weight form of scrum for the usual benefits but perhaps without some of the "overheads" of ceremonies.