I am planning a Program Increment of 3 Months and I have a team of people with a variety of skills.
Basically, we have 3 categories in which each developer is differently skilled: UI, Backend & Devops.
- We know the capacity of each developer for each sprint. (in Story points [SP])
- We know how strong each developer is in which category. (in %)
- We know each User Story (US), their estimations in Story points (1SP ~ 8hours) and their category.
We now want to plan the sprints in such a way, that we respect our capacity in each category and that our developers can't clone themselves.
Up until now we just calculated a sprint capacity, assigned US to this Sprint and subtracted the estimation of that US from that capacity.
The problem with that is, that in a team of 10 people only 4 can do tasks in the category of devops. That means we have a capacity of let's say 10SP per Sprint and our total capacity would be 30 SP.
However, these 4 people are also skilled UI developers. Meaning if I assign a devops ticket to the sprint, it reduces the capacity of the UI as well.
My problem is how to adaptively calculate the remaining capacity of each category.
So I give the following example for a calculation that I am trying to do:
Capacity of an employee in a Sprint:
Employee | Sprint 1 | Sprint 2 | Sprint 3 |
A | 10 SP | 6 SP | 8 SP |
B | 8SP | 5 SP | 9 SP |
C | 10 SP | 10 SP | 10 SP |
D | 10 SP | 0 SP | 10 SP |
E | 10 SP | 5 SP | 5 SP |
Estimated Skill of an developer in a category:
Employee | UI | Backend | Devops |
A | 0% | 50% | 100% |
B | 100% | 0% | 100% |
C | 20% | 50% | 80% |
D | 100% | 100% | 0% |
E | 30% | 50% | 50% |
Potential Capacity per Sprint (Calculated by SUMPRODUCT() in Excel)
Sprint | UI | Backend | Devops | Total (Sum()) |
Sprint 1 | 23 SP | 25 SP | 31 SP | 48 SP |
Sprint 2 | 8.5 SP | 10.5 SP | 21.5 SP | 26 SP |
Sprint 3 | 22.5 SP | 21.5 SP | 27.5 SP | 42 SP |
Now with have these 3 US:
- Task 1: 8SP (UI)
- Task 2: 16SP (BE)
- Task 3: 10SP (Devops)
So let's add Task 1 to the 1. Sprint:
UI | UI SP | Backend | Backend SP | Devops | Devops SP | Total |
task 1 | 8SP | 8 SP | ||||
Total SP Used | 8 SP | 0 SP | 0 SP | 8 SP | ||
Capacity | 23 SP | 25 SP | 31 SP | 48 SP | ||
Remaining SP | 15 SP | 25 SP | 23 SP | 40 SP |
This one is easy because Employee B can take that US completely in Sprint 1 but you can already see that the remaining capacity of Devops is lowered aswell.
Let's add Task 2:
UI | UI SP | Backend | Backend SP | Devops | Devops SP | Total |
task 1 | 8SP | Task 2 | 16SP | 24 SP | ||
Total SP Used | 8 SP | 16 SP | 0 SP | 24 SP | ||
Capacity | 23 SP | 25 SP | 31 SP | 48 SP | ||
Remaining SP | 4.6 SP | 9 SP | 11.4 SP | 24 SP |
This one is a lot more complicated as more than on employee will work on that task. Let's Say Employee A, C, D will work on it:
- A will do: 5 SP of work using 10 SP. => Devops cap. -10SP
- C will do: 1 SP of work using 2 SP. => UI cap. -0.4 SP & devops cap: - 1.6 SP
- D will do: 10 SP of work using 10 SP. => UI cap. -10 SP
However, I could choose a different selection of Employees to do all the tasks.
So my question is:
Is there a formula that can give a good approximation of the remaining capacity, based on the overall capacity, individual capacity and individual categorized skills?