Perhaps this question is trivial, but I haven't seen an answer. I built a Kanban board tool (I know, they already exist) and my idea was that people would begin a stage of the work by clicking the Right Arrow button on the card, to 'pull' it to the right and put their name on it. (Managers / Supervisors move cards without changing the name.)
So, a new, unassigned, card in the "To Do" column would move to the "Plan" column when a person clicks to move it to the right. (Cards can of course move left also.) This reflects the Pull concept.
But I realized that there needs to be a way to see that the work at a stage was done, otherwise, how could someone know when to pull it ahead to "Develop" and so on? I didn't want queue / buffer columns, because it is visual clutter. So my system has the person click the Right Arrow on the card once to set a "Done" indicator (it highlights their name in green, very basic).
This makes it clear which cards are being worked on and which are completed in that column / stage. It didn't make sense to me to allow someone to 'push' a card right, for example the developer to move it to the "Test" column, because whose name would go on it saying they are testing? (I suppose the right push could remove the name and show UNASSIGNED or something. This would also be a visual cue.)
My system lets you clear the Done indicator by clicking the Left Arrow on the card once. You would have to click it again to actually move it left. Further left moves don't set the Done indicator. In this way, there is a 'ratchet' protecting forward motion (someone has to say work was completed at each stage) but backward motion can go multiple columns if needed.
Does this approach work to indicate "Done" in a column and also remove the need for buffer columns?