How to import the employee's work hours to TimeScaleData in microsoft project file using vsto add-in?

Here is the sample data I have,

[{Name:"Phase 1", BaselineStart:"2023-01-01", BaselineFinish:"2023-03-30",

Here is my code, but it giving me an error like System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: 'The argument value is not valid.' at this line Assignment newAssignment = newPhaseTask.Assignments.Add(resource);

Project project = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveProject;
Task newPhaseTask = project.Tasks.Add(phase.Name);
foreach (Employee emp in Employees)
 Resource resource = null;
 foreach (Resource projResource in project.Resources)
     if (projResource.Name.Equals(emp.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
         resource = projResource;
 if (resource == null)
     resource = project.Resources.Add(emp.Name);
foreach (var date in emp.EntryDates)
 foreach (Assignment assignment in newPhaseTask.Assignments)
     if (assignment.Resource == resource)
         assignmentExists = true;
         break; // Exit the loop if an assignment for the resource is found
 if (!assignmentExists)
     // Create a new assignment for the resource on the task
     Assignment newAssignment = newPhaseTask.Assignments.Add(resource);

     // Assign work hours to the specified date using TimeScaleData
     newAssignment.TimeScaleData(date.DateEntered, date.DateEntered, PjAssignmentTimescaledData.pjAssignmentTimescaledWork, PjTimescaleUnit.pjTimescaleDays, 1).Add(date.DateEntered, date.Hours);


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