I am the Scrum Master for a team that has completed two sprints. For Sprint 1, the burndown looks like:
Day 1: 70
Day 2: 70
Day 3: 70
Day 4: 70
Day 5: 13
For Sprint #2:
Day 1: 90
Day 2: 90
Day 3: 90
Day 4: 86
Day 5: 86
Day 6: 86
Day 7: 86
Day 8: 86
Day 9: 2
Almost all stories are completed the day of the review, causing problems including:
- Stories are accepted untested rather than production-ready
- Some stories are gold-plated or not quite on target
- Acceptance testing is cursory and does not include user testing
These issues were raised at both Sprint reviews. The main response was that many stories were linked so it was hard to deliver them separately.
How can I encourage or enable the developers to deliver stories throughout the sprint rather than all at the end?
Context: The team comprises three developers, two business analysts, and a Project Owner. The developers work at one campus; the rest of the team and all of the users work at another campus 15 miles away. The developers prefer to work in isolation: after a half-day kickoff, the groups have very limited contact until the sprint review. The developers are willing to use Scrum but resistant to a daily standup; the last sprint included one standup halfway through a two-week sprint.