I am a project manager, for a major project at school. One of my team members had joined the team as a developer, without knowledge of particular languages. The member has spent almost half the project's estimated duration without contributing. All the extra developmental burden has fallen on me, as I am PM and responsible for it. During meetings the member always nods, agrees and accepts to work by a given deadline. But when the deadline comes and goes, there is absolutely no response. I don't mean to bitch, but these are the facts, truly. I spend most of my time almost baby-sitting, by going thru the coding with the member and explaining how to code during one-on-one meetings.
I have tried to give extra time for the member to come upto speed, and spent time trying to train him. All has been almost wasted, because the member either is too busy with other self important work, or too slow to learn or plain simple incompetent or lazy.
Can you give any suggestions as to how I can encourage the member to put solid time and effort into contributing towards the project ?
dropping the member off the team is highly unprofessional, but should I consider it if it becomes too much of time-constraint issue ? or should I keep using reward-only policy ? I am sort of frustrated and don't know how to proceed.
Thank you-Egon.
Well, as suggested, the team member is now preparing slides, writing documentation, and all such secondary work. Thnx folks to help me make up my mind.