Roles and Responsibilities for Team Composition
This is an interesting question, because it addresses some of the subtleties of self-organization with agile frameworks. In particular, it highlights the differences between authority and influence.
Scrum Team Members are responsible for identifying impediments (e.g. the team doesn't have sufficient expertise in database design) and recommending adaptive improvements (e.g. suggesting that John Doe the DBA could provide the experience the team lacks). Team Members are also responsible for exerting influence on team composition by making recommendations about adding or removing people from the team.
Product Owners are (often) responsible for resource budgeting. In such cases, the Product Owner would be responsible for approving or declining resources that would be charged against his budget. This falls squarely into the core Product Owner responsibility of setting project priorities.
Scrum Masters are responsible for facilitating discussions about project resources (including resource constraints), process impediments, and recommendations for process improvement. However, Scrum Masters generally lack authority to directly implement organizational change. When the Scrum team agrees on an approach, the Scrum Master is responsible for ensuring that the team's recommendations reach the appropriate decision-makers, and for promoting the team's interests within the larger organization through influence.
Applicability to Your Case
Unless the Scrum Master has been assigned additional authority beyond the typical scope of the role, he should not be making hiring or resource-allocation decisions unilaterally. Doing so is not a generally-accepted Scrum practice, and is certainly not in the interests of team-building; nevertheless, it occasionally happens in certain types of organizations.
You are quite right to bring up your concerns and recommendations within the team, but it is the Scrum Team's joint responsibility to agree on a solution and a spokesperson. However, deciding what people or resources the team needs, and how the team could best assist the Scrum Master in representing the team's interests to the rest of the organization, is most definitely not within your authority to handle alone.
Organizational authority, whether on behalf of the company or the Scrum team, must always be delegated. The Scrum Master would be quite right to flag a team member taking a unilateral approach to this issue as outside the framework's generally-accepted practices.