Any idea Where are Primevera
's old baseline dates are stored after rescheduling the project?
We can see the old dates in the Client but I want to query the database to get all the dates which were used before the current baseline dates.
1 Answer
Check this LinkedIn thread for same question and discussion. See the post by the user Gene Greiff, which contains the following code:
Declare @BaseLineName varchar (255)
Declare @BaseLineType varchar(255)
set @BaseLineName = 'Project Nano - B2'
set @BaseLineType = 'Mid Project Status Baseline'
select *
from dbo.PROJWBS pw
inner join PROJECT pj on pj.proj_id = pw.proj_id
inner join BASETYPE bt on bt.base_type_id = pj.base_type_id
where pw.wbs_name = @BaseLineName
AND bt.base_type = @BaseLineType
Hi Sreedhar, can you edit your post and quote the LinkedIn answer here? We ask that answers be self contained on our site. If the link were to ever break, and you quoted the answer here, your answer would still be useful to hundreds of future visitors who come across this post. Hope this helps! :)– jmort253Commented Jul 14, 2013 at 20:23
Congrats on earning the bounty. With Raju Gujarati's help, I edited your post with the actual code. Hope this helps! :)– jmort253Commented Jul 15, 2013 at 1:44
Thanks a lot it helps. Hope it helps who asked this question camelbrush. Commented Jul 15, 2013 at 16:34
Thanks guys, but it didn't help much. I read already read that post before posting here. Like the OP there, I too have moved on to another project right now. Commented Jul 19, 2013 at 1:44