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Questions tagged [azure-boards]

Azure-Boards is the Project Management tool in Microsoft Azure Devops (the new name for tfs)

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Tracking environment of deployment of User Story in Azure DevOps

How to track environment of a User Story / Requirement deployment in Azure DevOps? What's the recommended way to track which environment a User Story / PBI/ Requirement is deployed to? We have DEV ...
Sanjiv Jivan's user avatar
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Equivalent to Azure Devops "Area Path" in Jira

My company is looking to transition to Jira from Azure Devops for work planning/sprints. In Azure Devops I currently use the Area Path field to denote which business area a story was for. e.g. User ...
martpendle's user avatar
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How do I only track one subteam's tasks on a Kanban Board?

I have a very real scenario ... right now. I have a lot of requirements in the queue and a dozen teams, each representing a different subsystem of the overall complex product, and any combo of these ...
Guest_poster's user avatar
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How can we give customer better estimates for delivered work and estimated hours next month?

We are working for a customer where we are using Azure DevOps for planning and estimating work in Sprints. This is the usual way to plan the work among our developers, but our customer wants a better ...
Geir Forsmo's user avatar
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What are the best practices for writing user stories - descriptions & acceptance criteria?

I have a colleague at work that appears to stuggle with writing concise user stories with a set goal/ acceptance criteria and has asked me to review the ticket he assigned to me. We use Azure DevOps ...
nopassport1's user avatar
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Automatic hierarchy relationship between custom Work Item Types in Azure DevOps backlogs

When creating custom work item types for an inherited process in DevOps, I can't find a way to configure a hierarcy between them the way Epics and Features are related automatically (Parent/Child). E....
Jacques's user avatar
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Should iteration (sprint) dates in Azure DevOps include non-development phases of Agile sprints?

When creating iterations in Azure DevOps (Azure Boards), should non-development phases (non-sprint activities) be included in the dates for each sprint iteration? My understanding is this: schedule ...
ryancdotnet's user avatar
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Best way to update user stories in multiple boards

I have recently joined as a Development Team lead in an organisation and there are multiple dev teams in here each working of their own Azure Devops board. Our teams follow a 2 weeks sprint cycle. ...
Libin Joseph's user avatar
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How to properly add or manage a repeated User Story in Auzre DevOps's backlog?

A user story needs to happen each sprint, and I want it to handle it properly - whatever that may mean - within Azure DevOps. I am used to adding user stories for single-issue tickets but have never ...
CorrieJanse's user avatar
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How to use Azure DevOps with Kanban

I am reading Eric Brechener's Agile Project Management with Kanban and Eric shows how to implement Kanban controlling tasks. He would breakdown topics into tasks and track the tasks in the board. I ...
Michel Feinstein's user avatar
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Best practice: best place to track ad-hoc, ongoing work

I've recently taken over a project from another scrum master. In the backlog there is a 'Feature' called 'Support HW Team' (HW -> Hardware) that has a bunch of vague stories under it and basically ...
Edgen's user avatar
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How do you close out a Scrum Sprint in Azure Boards? Especially, what should you do with partially completed user stories and tasks?

I am new to Azure Boards and finding it can be very confusing when it comes to scrum sprint ends and planning the next sprint. What should you do with user stories and their tasks that are only ...
gbh's user avatar
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How do you filter project tags in Azure Devops?

The list of projects we've got in Azure DevOps is rapidly growing and growing. It makes it difficult to focus on areas that need attention across the department though, and is taking a lot of Admin ...
James's user avatar
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In an Azure DevOps work item Excel file, how do I assign parent without having to see closed siblings?

I'm using the "Teams" tab provided by MS in Excel to add repeating Azure DevOps User Stories (US), i.e. work that needs to be done every sprint (don't ask). This seems to be the recommended approach ...
Kjell Rilbe's user avatar
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Understanding Azure devops burndown

I do not understand why the burndown is looking like it is. Remaining work is higher than capacity - but in the details remaining work is lower than remaining capacity. Can anyone help?
stulster's user avatar