Questions tagged [change-management]

This is for questions that involve management of the change that can negatively affect a project if it gets out of control.

3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Strategies to do an accurate CR estimation with a special customer

What strategies can I employ to conduct thorough pre-analysis and estimation for change requests (CR) in a project when we lack system access and rely solely on customer-provided requirements? We ...
MS007's user avatar
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-2 votes
2 answers

Is it difficult or time-wasting for developers to adjust page design based on component design changes?

I have been curious about that how much effort developers have to make to adjust components to accommodate changes in UI design. Sometimes I think a design from UX is good and there's no problem for ...
Chris Ma's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

Kurt Lewin's 3 stage change process: which stage has the most resistance?

Is there in Kurt Lewin's 3 stage change process (Wiki) any "resistance distribution" or all stages have nearly equal resistance level? If so, which stage actually has the most resistance level?
iamiggor's user avatar