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Questions tagged [design]

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25 votes
6 answers

Where should design be incorporated in an agile process?

We use a scrum-based agile development process. But where should design get incorporated? Separate user stories? Tasks on stories? We currently think of design as a separate task and break it out as ...
chrishomer's user avatar
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18 votes
6 answers

What are the techniques to elicit requirements from customers who don't understand their needs?

Question: How do you prevent a situation where you have to produce work-product work first and get client feedback before getting on the right track to meet their needs? Are there any techniques to ...
Daniel Skowroński's user avatar
12 votes
6 answers

How to incorporate UX/UI in sprint correctly when mockups are required to estimate a story?

Apologies if the question has already been asked, I couldn't really find the answer when looking around. I'm struggling to figure out a way to handle UX/UI in an agile way. I'd like to be "fully&...
Paz's user avatar
  • 169
5 votes
4 answers

Integrating UX into Scrum - how to do usability testing within a sprint?

I am trying integrate a UX team of about 14 UX designers into a software engineering organization of about 100 developers. One of many challenges I'm trying to figure out is how to deal with things ...
Lost in Agileland's user avatar
20 votes
7 answers

How can we manage multiple projects, as one small scrum team?

I know Agile came about as a group of 'adaptive software development' methods, where Scrum is one of them. Some background: We are an innovative web agency, which implies design and development. We ...
Dionne's user avatar
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