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Questions tagged [evaluation]

This tag is for questions about how to assess a person, team, or process against a set of metrics or other evaluation criteria.

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2 answers

How do I ask a stakeholder about their valuation of improvement amount curve?

On a daily basis I have the urge to ask someone, about a measurable (usually intermediate) target I can work towards or otherwise allocate resources towards, how much (Y) would value to them getting ...
Mika Feiler's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to asses possibly lacking individual performance as a new manager?

I started at a new company two months ago, for the first time in a management position. And it's a difficult situation. I have a (software development) team member who has a history of bad performance ...
Michael Borgwardt's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

What projects should get scored, and which should not?

We are in the process of implementing a project portfolio management method where none has existed previously. We have done a good deal of research and developed a process that includes a scoring ...
DCNYAM's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Beginner's book for Program Monitoring and Evaluation

I am looking for a basic book for 'Program Monitoring and Evaluation'. I searched the internet and could find the UNDP reports. But they are too comprehensive. Can anyone point me to some basic books ...
Arvind Gupta's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Good way to do a personal project review - what questions to ask

I'm a project engineer with a consultancy. My work includes planning but also chasing after contractors to make sure they deliver what they are paid for, and to keep communication between us, ...
mart's user avatar
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9 votes
5 answers

Any ideas about how to evaluate a developer's performance?

I introduced Scrum in our development teams some years ago. Since then our performance has increased a lot with a shorter time-to-market and increased quality. The CEO wants me to create a system to ...
Raul's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

How can I measure the performance of individuals within Scrum?

I know it should not be done, but I'm tasked by my company to measure the performance of each person on the Scrum team. What would be a "not so bad" way of doing it? P.S. I cannot let the team decide ...
Aasimon's user avatar
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4 votes
7 answers

Evaluation Process: Pros and Cons of binding (at some level) the appraisal to Certifications

Is well known that any appraisal process is biased. Measuring one's characteristics (and specially, comparing them) is far from a objective and clear science. Still, measuring one's performance will ...
Tiago Cardoso's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

Maintenance Project: How to evaluate team's performance?

Year end is approaching, and on the company I'm working (and pretty much all other IT companies) it's time for year's performance evaluation. Evaluating people is always a sensitive and insightful ...
Tiago Cardoso's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

How do you evaluate if the Agile method is the right one for a specific project?

I am looking for an evaluation method and criteria for determining if a project can be conducted using the Agile method (over traditional/waterfall). I would welcome examples ("definitely Agile", "...
Angeline's user avatar
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13 votes
6 answers

How to measure a team member's performance?

I am writing a report which requires the analysis of performance of each individual team member in my team. This is for a software development project developed using the Unified Process (UP). I was ...
user559142's user avatar