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Questions tagged [roadmaps]

Roadmaps refers to technology roadmap

3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How to manage Cross-teams Roadmaps and high level tasks

Do you have any recommendations to track Roadmaps when working with multiple teams and cross-teams projects? Right now we work with Jira and spreadsheets, so any useful templates or tips for combining ...
user4895's user avatar
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How do I lay out a roadmap if there is only one big feature that I'm not able to breakdown?

I'm basically developing a dashboard where we need to show the top 20 sales by product and country. The dashboard is visualized in an analytics platform, so nothing must be developed there, the ...
Glasnhost's user avatar
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How do you represent issues without Epics in Jira Roadmap (Jira Classic & Next Gen)

Ability to represent issues without Epics (be that a task type or bug type) in Jira Roadmaps.
user40865's user avatar