How would you profit the work of a software developer? I would also say team, but I speak partly for my own sake and partly for the whole. With seven years in the developing scene, all systems used within the company itself, I haven't ben met by a strategy that give me profit as developer, extends my wage - of course. If the development process is tied to some sort of salary or a application that sells per distribution, profit can be more natural to implement, or already have implemented. Profit-sharing of the business-win in overall is not a discussion of this (even if it fits, i refer to profits specific for the specific worker/work). I understand that we can't talk values, but at least how to Valuate, i.e. dignity and complexity of work. Also measurement. I look at myself as have a generally high morality for my work. I die (b)for dead-lines, don't leave unsolved threads (at least not willingly), highly willing to learn for better result and blabla. This does not automatically means that I work effecient and right on spot, all time. And ok! Who want a robot? But I think a bounty or profit for finished work will gain * More accurace threads (because I know i don't get them back if they got status Complete. * Developer know where the wallet can be helped, behind a extra work on a project. If the project manager is to busy for continouos following the status of projects, the developer can feel responsibility for follow-up. Also there are up to the developer really finish the threads/points because he/her don't want them back!