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7 votes

How should a non-technical person define tasks for technicians?

Stories should always be defined in business terms. Why does there need to be web integration? Who is it for? What exactly does it need to accomplish? If it is not directly-related to a business ...
Sarov's user avatar
  • 14.8k
6 votes

How should a non-technical person define tasks for technicians?

TL;DR You should not be defining tasks for technical people. Instead, you should describe a value proposition and some testable acceptance criteria, and then turn your technical experts loose to find ...
Todd A. Jacobs's user avatar
  • 50.7k
5 votes

Can a requirement be linked to another requirement?

Can a requirement be linked to another requirement? Yes, it can. Requirements can depend on other requirements. Or some requirement can be derived from another requirement. Requirements can also be ...
Bogdan's user avatar
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4 votes

How to avoid recurring questions and contradictions about same or related problems?

You don't need a project manager to run this project. In fact, unless heavily empowered all a project manager is going to do is give the headache to someone else. What you need is to have a "product ...
Joel Bancroft-Connors's user avatar
4 votes

Technical Spec: Is more detail help or hindrance?

Document the minimum required for a proper, unambiguous implementation. It requires a lot of efforts from both analysts and implementors, so will depend a lot on your project environment maturity. ...
Tiago Cardoso's user avatar
3 votes

How do you keep documentation on long-term project?

We differentiate between documentation for: Developers: This goes right in the source code and will be stored in Git. Whenever a function is added or updated, some "text in green" (our wording for ...
Frank Blome's user avatar
3 votes

Technical Spec: Is more detail help or hindrance?

This really depends on how you and your collaborators like/are expected to work, how much time you want to invest in getting things right, and how painful it is for you to not have some of the detail ...
matt_jay's user avatar
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3 votes

How can a project manager create a plan without having specifications for the product defined at the beginning of the project?

How does a project manager manage planning without the specifications of the product at the beginning of the project With difficulties. Without knowing the specifications, you need to make ...
Bogdan's user avatar
  • 15.4k
2 votes

How to describe the business entities in Scrum?

A user story is an invitation to a discussion. It is not intended to be a detailed specification. All the user story needs to communicate is the basics of a requirement and it is worded in such a way ...
Barnaby Golden's user avatar
2 votes

How to describe the business entities in Scrum?

There is nothing in Scrum that's keeping you from defining your business entities somewhere and then referencing them in the stories. The agile approach only means you should be able to change those ...
nvoigt's user avatar
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2 votes

How to maintain a spec for a large complex project with repetitive patterns?

I would make a Template Spec for the similarities. Then each product starts by referencing the relevant Template Specs and then noting the diferences. This way, when you change something system-wide,...
Danny Schoemann's user avatar
2 votes

Is the client or vendor responsible for writing the BRD?

The team as a whole (developers and client) should take responsibility for creating any documentation. It's a collaborative effort and to maximise productivity the team should try to avoid having ...
nvogel's user avatar
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2 votes

Should I write the performance or the architectural specification first?

TL;DR Your question is about an academic exercise where the only "correct" answer is the one your instructor has previously provided, or whatever answer the instructor expects. Instead, I ...
Todd A. Jacobs's user avatar
  • 50.7k
2 votes

Should I write the performance or the architectural specification first?

As you noticed, the architectural and a performance specifications are interdependant. However, in most cases you are going to want the product to be as fast as possible - and therefore you want to ...
Danny Schoemann's user avatar
2 votes

Who speaks to the client when there are some errors in the documentation that the client delivered?

TL;DR Whatever your team is doing, it isn't Scrum. None of the roles, events, or theory defined by the framework are being followed properly, and even basic agile values like customer collaboration ...
Todd A. Jacobs's user avatar
  • 50.7k
2 votes

How can a project manager create a plan without having specifications for the product defined at the beginning of the project?

There are a few options. One option would be rolling-wave planning. Perhaps some aspects of the project, such as the end date, are known and can be laid out. You may be able to plan enough work to ...
Thomas Owens's user avatar
  • 19.8k
1 vote

What is the usual process of summarizing the specification documents for review and comparision

My experience is that this issue is handled inefficiently throughout the industry. Working for a car manufacturer there was a dedicated team to convert "customer requirements" into "a ...
Vorac's user avatar
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1 vote

Can I add a picture/diagram in a requirement?

You can always use graphical models to help capture and analyze requirements. Using graphical models can not only be used to communicate the details of a single (or small number) of requirements, but ...
Thomas Owens's user avatar
  • 19.8k
1 vote

Can a requirement be linked to another requirement?

Yes, requirement can be linked to another. Yes, it can be valid if others are met. And Yes, You can either repeat the information (but repetition doesn't necessarily mean that everything is the same; ...
Olivia Wami's user avatar
1 vote

Technical Spec: Is more detail help or hindrance?

Is more detail help or hindrance? More detail helps until it becomes a hindrance :). In other words, the law of diminishing returns starts to apply at some point. Your developers will find some ...
Bogdan's user avatar
  • 15.4k
1 vote

Technical Spec: Is more detail help or hindrance?

There are different approaches to the lifecycle of a project which are often described as ranging from "predictive" (define everything early and as fully as you reasonably can) to "...
nvogel's user avatar
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1 vote

Is the client or vendor responsible for writing the BRD?

In my practical experience, the truest answer is: "both of them." Because, in the end, "the solution" consists of computer software. Which basically means: "in the end, 'the ...
Mike Robinson's user avatar
1 vote

Using Gitlab for specifications

You won't be able to use Word documents effectively within a git repository. You could use your repo to check in the Word document file and version it, but you wouldn't be able to do diffs or handle ...
Thomas Owens's user avatar
  • 19.8k
1 vote

Design Specification Ownership: how to protect it from obfuscation and excessive adjustments on Enterprise project?

Take your lead from lawyers. Well written legal documents are unambiguous, and - unless you're trying hard to find a loophole - everybody reads them and understands them the same way. How do they do ...
Danny Schoemann's user avatar
1 vote

Isn't the attractiveness curve in the Kano model depicted wrong?

Fascinating question and more subtle than I originally thought. According to this graph, as investment into an unexpected/new/innovative feature's functionality is increased, user satisfaction goes ...
MCW's user avatar
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1 vote

How to write recommendation documentation?

This depends on what the target audience is for your propositions. More details to more technically-oriented people, less details for the people who controls budgeting. Architecture is always a high-...
Alexey R.'s user avatar
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1 vote

How to manage misalignments between Design Specs and After Design Adjustments?

Sounds like your organisation uses Jira tickets as their central source of information, (i.e your SM looks at Jira tickets), so the Jira tickets should contain short comments on how the implementation ...
Liza M.'s user avatar
  • 11
1 vote

What questions to ask and how to create spec based on provided information

As noted in the comments you are really looking for the approach and thought processes of your candidate. Essentially you are looking for quality analysis (you are hiring a business analyst) and ...
JackCorn's user avatar
1 vote

How to describe the business entities in Scrum?

TL;DR You're conflating a lot of things, and trying to convert the user story format into a new type of specification. It isn't one. Instead, you should modify your process so that everyone shares a ...
Todd A. Jacobs's user avatar
  • 50.7k
1 vote

How to describe the business entities in Scrum?

As others have said, the Scrum guide doesn't define business entities, but it does speak to them in principle. The Product Owner is responsible for maximizing the value of the product and the work ...
jason.t.knight's user avatar

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