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34 votes

Is it a good idea to show a 'story points by developer' graph at retrospectives?

TLDR: The team should be a team. We are not 'shamed' [...] developers don't want to look bad See the problem here? Whether or not your developers are being 'shamed', your developers are afraid of ...
Sarov's user avatar
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20 votes

When does a Scrum Team assign story points to the stories in the Scrum methodology?

The only certain answer is: sometime before the story is added into the sprint. After that the story point estimate doesn't add much value. Common times that Scrum teams estimate stories: Backlog ...
Daniel's user avatar
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19 votes

What are "Consumed Story Points" in Trello?

Consumed Story Points: An Agile Anti-Pattern "Consumed points" are a sort of burn-down metric that some practitioners use to track progress of a story against its original estimates. It's intended to ...
Todd A. Jacobs's user avatar
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16 votes

Do you consider a defect an actual defect if it occurs in Dev prior to the acceptance of the User Story as Done?

Working software over comprehensive documentation. In general, I'd say that it just gets fixed and considered part of the work needed to complete the story. When you found the bug, you added a ...
RubberDuck's user avatar
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Story Decomposition Granularity

Ask yourselves this one question. Is there any possible way to do anything less, and still deliver value? If yes, write that smaller thing down. Then, ask yourselves again. Is there any ...
RubberDuck's user avatar
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15 votes

Definition of a Story Point

Story points are a relative measure of effort rather than an absolute one. However, each member of the team should have the same understanding of the size of a points estimate. A common understanding ...
nvogel's user avatar
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13 votes

How can you estimate a spike story?

Two things jump out at me. First, the end result of a Spike is not a shippable product. Spikes are used to learn, and do research. The end result is an answer to a question or finding some ...
Thomas Owens's user avatar
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13 votes

How to convert (volume of work, risk, complexity, uncertainty) to story points?

in your practice, do you use the aforementioned disaggregation? Why or why not? I encourage teams to focus on estimating consistency rather than on having a complicated estimating approach. There are ...
Barnaby Golden's user avatar
12 votes

How can story points be "non linear" in relative size

Perhaps a more accurate way to put it would be that story point estimates are imprecise. If you have a 5 and a 3, that may or may not be the same size as an 8. To make this less confusing, let's ...
Daniel's user avatar
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12 votes

Definition of a Story Point

Let's be serious, people don't usually care how you do estimates. What they care about is how much it takes and/or how much it costs. Time and money. That's what they want. The estimates is just ...
Bogdan's user avatar
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12 votes

Is it a good idea to show a 'story points by developer' graph at retrospectives?

TL;DR Your organization is fundamentally misusing the story point metric, and also conflating story points with velocity (which is also being misused). Please stop doing those things before you ...
Todd A. Jacobs's user avatar
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11 votes

Should I trade points when adding a new story mid sprint?

Typically, yes. The amount of estimated work in the Sprint represents what the Development Team believes it can accomplish during that Sprint. If new work comes up, it's not like the Team suddenly ...
Sarov's user avatar
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10 votes

Can 'QA approved' count towards your team's definition of done?

The definition of done should be something that your team can do. Having external dependencies in a definition of done is a nightmare. If you want to test your story thoroughly, which is great, you ...
nvoigt's user avatar
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What metrics can we generate from t-shirt sizes (rather than story points) when estimating user stories?

Summary To calculate velocity when using non-numeric relative sizing, you first need to map your story sizes to numeric values. I provide a working example of how to do this with tee shirt sizes, and ...
Todd A. Jacobs's user avatar
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10 votes

How to convert (volume of work, risk, complexity, uncertainty) to story points?

Relative estimates (points) are useful because they tend to give a better approximation than absolute estimates and tend to be easier to work with. Points are just an approximation however, and they ...
nvogel's user avatar
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9 votes

How to break down an 8 point story into smaller stories in Scrum?

I would walk the team through the Story splitting flowchart. Often someone has an idea how to split it, utilising the full team to split is often better than just trying to split it by yourself. Split ...
Niels van Reijmersdal's user avatar
9 votes

Is it better to deliver many low-value stories or few high-value stories?

You've encountered two important facts about planning: 1) Priority and value are not the same thing. You have a number next to each story. If those numbers do not have the property that 10 stories ...
Steve Jessop's user avatar
9 votes

Using burndown chart to estimate the completion date of a Scrum project

Theoretically, yes, you could use a burndown chart to estimate when all of the work in the Product Backlog would be completed. However, in practice and as you are seeing, it doesn't always work out. ...
Thomas Owens's user avatar
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8 votes

Should I trade points when adding a new story mid sprint?

Let the team decide. Just because both stories are 3 points that does not mean that the disruption and context switch is not bigger. The Development Team should desire if they are taking the story, ...
MrHinsh - Martin Hinshelwood's user avatar
8 votes

Alternatives to estimating in hours/story points

To me it sounds like you want to improve your estimation accuracy - not making you more flexible. So here are a few pointers. Cone of Uncertainty The earlier in the project you are the less accurate ...
Kempeth's user avatar
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Story Points flaw?

The official answer to the problem is: There is no fixed numbers. If it makes more sense to have a big story be 100 points, go for it. If it makes more sense to have stories that are 1/2 point, use ...
nvoigt's user avatar
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8 votes

Any research of the accuracy of Story Points?

I know of at least two "Empirical assessment of machine learning models for agile software development effort estimation using story points". Available online at
Tiago Peres's user avatar
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7 votes

Hot swapping stories

For the official answer, I'd take a read in the Scrum Guide under The Sprint, including Cancelling the Sprint. ( Scrum does allow for ...
Daniel's user avatar
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7 votes

How can story points be "non linear" in relative size

TL;DR Some story point systems do use linear values, but such systems are rarely used by experienced agile practitioners as the numbers are usually misleading. Non-linear systems deliberately expose ...
Todd A. Jacobs's user avatar
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7 votes

How can you estimate a spike story?

Spikes are typically time-boxed, so it is usually easy to work out the impact they will have on a sprint. For example, you might time-box a spike on a new technology to be one developer for one day. ...
Barnaby Golden's user avatar
7 votes

How to convert (volume of work, risk, complexity, uncertainty) to story points?

Actually "story points" is exactly for not doing what you are trying to do :) The idea behind it is this; Estimations aren't accurate. Here's an article of mine about this. Trying to ...
Nezih TINAS's user avatar
7 votes

Is it a good idea to show a 'story points by developer' graph at retrospectives?

I worked in an organisation some years back that decided to try and do performance reviews based on the number of story points delivered by individual developers. It was a complete disaster: the ...
Barnaby Golden's user avatar
6 votes

Why measure in story points (being a relative measure is not an acceptable answer)

In Scrum we do some work in a time-box and then measure how much work was completed. Now you could estimate stories using time units. But that would make for some strange results: The team ...
Barnaby Golden's user avatar
6 votes

What approach of story points suit our team

It sounds like you've got a few layers of challenges. First and foremost, it doesn't sound like you have a team so much as a group of people that have been put together on an org chart. If the ...
Daniel's user avatar
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6 votes

When does a Scrum Team assign story points to the stories in the Scrum methodology?

User Stories aren't part of Scrum User Stories are an Extreme Programming (XP) practice. (see this question) However, every Scrum team I've worked with so far has used Extreme Programming practices ...
ONOZ's user avatar
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