BACKGROUND: Have a client that has terabytes of transactional data and they would like to begin leveraging the data they have, but beyond the knowledge it's possible, and the belief that an analytic system would produce value, they do not appear to have a solid starting point and have mainly been looking at the problem in the context of what technology is able to do, instead of what their business requirements really are, and I'd like to move the analysis away from what tools are able to do, and to how discover, prioritize, and iteratively deploy business intelligence solutions.
UPDATE: As requested on metaAs requested on meta, this update is a response to the current current answers. First, thanks, my guess is that the fitness of the questions is directly related to how clear my question is. I have reviewed all of the answers a number of times, and to my knowledge all address general business requirements gathering, not "Business Requirements Analysis for Business Intelligence", which to me is not the same thing. More to the point, the best example of a source that speaks to this is a recent book by Lawrence Corr titled Agile Data Warehouse Design. While so far, this to me seems like the best answer, I had hoped that I'd either get feedback on the question itselffeedback on the question itself, or another perspective via an answer.