For what I get from your first point, managing priorities, youyour actual problem is that done sprints clutter your spreadsheet. So So why you don't just add a "done" column, and sort with 2 columns, "priority" and "done". Google Google Spreadsheets letlets you do just that! Your Your columns just have to be adjacent:
- Select your 2 columns with the mouse
- Go in Tools->Sort...
- Click on "add another sort optionoption"
Choose the rightsright columns and the right sorting direction, and you're done!
CpncerningConcerning your second issue, I can imagine a solution, but it's a bit more complicated. You You need to have a column with an idID for each sprint, and a dependency column. If If each sprint depends only fromon one single other sprint, it's not too complicated: the The priority field becomes a formula, calculated with the priority from the task on which dependdepends the current sprint, minus an offset, always the same or stored in another colulmn. If If your sprints can depend on more than one other sprint, it's also doable, but the formula becomes really more complicated: choose Choose the sprint from which the current sprint depends, with the biggest priority or something like that.
Hope this help...