Sticky Note planning will be with us as long as people get up during a meeting and start to draw on white boards without thinking. As long as people wave their hands in meetings. As long as they walk up to the projector screen and point at the slides.
This goes to the same reason hand written notes are the number one recommendation for note taking. Our brains store data in two fundamental ways as Date or Numbers and as Pictures. Pictures have a higher data recall for brain science reasons I don't pretend to understand. When we write, we store our writing as pictures. When we type, we store are data.
Tests have proven that when you type notes on a computer, your recall for the exact notes typed is only a little less than that of the hand written notes. However people who hand write their notes can recall much more of the event than those who typed it in. They have the contextual information that the typed data lacks. Context is king in when doing planning for a project.
And I think this is a big part of why all the leading advice still recommends that you get as many people as you can together at the start of your release and do a planning session. This is all old school stickies and walls, where people are writing by hand and thus they are storing the entire context of the meeting in their brains, not just the typed words.