I've three games to propose.
- The first one is really easy to play and the objective is to explain the team auto-organization. Follow this steps:
- Organize a room with chairs and tables causally arranged
- Form teams composed by two members
- One is the manager and one is the worker
- The manager can give the following commands: turn left, turn right, step forward, stop
- The worker must only walk following the commands above
- The objective is to complete 60 walking steps in 90 seconds
Usually this objective is not reached.
Second session all people are workers. Let's do the same. Usually all complete the 60 steps in less than 1' and some time a pattern is formed (all people walk in a circle following each other).
Each team member build a paper airplane, and perform 3 launches with the objective to land near a target, place 5 meters away, with the approximation of 50cm and count how many time the objective is reached. After that lets perform a 5Whys analysis and create a Lean A3 sheet. From the outcome of the A3 implement the actions and redo the experiment. Usually team improves by 50-70%.
Last one is an experiment: Agile - The Board Game. It's a board game based on Scrum and Lean that uses Lego during the build phase. More details here http://isolasoftware.it/tag/board-game/