We have a web development project (P) closed with a (C) client. This Pproject has plenty of formulas and documents (around 100 x eachformulas per block, we haveand 5 blocks for the whole P)project.
The Product Owner (PO) create thecreated a Product Backlog (BK),. The Scrum Master (SM) createscreated the tasks from the Product Backlog and leadis leading the Development Team (DT). Everything starts ok and goes in a cool rythm. But suddendlystarted okay, SM reportsbut now the Scrum Master is reporting plenty of errors on the formulas that the Cclient sent at the beginning of the Pproject.
The formulasformula specification documents were huge, and PO decides. The Product Owner decided that SMthe Scrum Master and DTDevelopment Team could manage it without problems. ButHowever, the complexity of the project makes necessaryrequires that SMthe Scrum Master speaks with the Ccustomer. Is
Does it the good path? A three sidesmake sense to have a meeting should be done between Cthe customer, POProduct Owner, and SMScrum Master? Is it maybe an error from the POProduct Owner because he didn't read carefully read all the formulas from the 5 blocks?
How SCRUM solvesdoes Scrum solve this kind of situationssituation?