I am certified scrum master but never practiced until tomorrow when I have been appointed as a ScrumMaster to a pilot initiative in the company to implement scrum in a team of non-software and non project but daily activity. I let you imagine all the politics around this decision.
The work will start on 1st of August, and the product owner has set up a meeting tomorrow to create the product backlog with me and another person, which will not be part of the team.
My questions:
- Who should propose the structure of the product backlog tomorrow (me or the PO)?
- Should we create directly user stories with the product owner?
- I have a one hour meeting, and in my understanding is that I need more than that? what is your suggestion on how to proceed?
I know all the theory but I miss the very practical steps to start.
Here is more information:
- Department: product development (non IT products).
- Team: 7 people.
- Product owner: is the manager of the department (the 7 people in the team are his team).
- ScrumMaster: I do not belong to the team nor to the department; I am working as staff function.
- Beginning of the work: 1st of August (but as you see in the question the PO wants to create the product backlog with me tomorrow (45 days in advance).
- Company: 100 years old, 25k employees, always used Waterfall methodology only 3-4 scrum initiatives ongoing in small IT projects (budget less than 500k €).