Current status:
- 30 open projects competing for a fixed pool of R&D resources and workers.
- Stakeholders from within the company spread among different areas of the company (Production, Tech Support, Sales, ...) but working on-site.
- A timely-reviewed road-map with the date in which each project starts (and the estimated time to completion).
- Possibility that some of the workforce or the resources of a project could be needed to solve a recently raised critical issue (e.g. problems in a client's plant).
- Each Project Manager deals with several projects at the same time. PMs meet weekly to share status update.
- Each Team deals with only one project at the same time, but some help from any individual member could be needed to solve an issue that prevents progress in some other project.
I think having a system so everyone could visualize any time how ongoing projects are sorted based on priority for the company could:
- Help the PM and the team in making easier day to day decisions on how to prioritize.
- Help manage stakeholders expectations about what amount of progress can they expect, depending on the "current ranking" of their project.
I can't count on each individual reviewing a software tool on her own, and I am looking for something easy to update and understand.
What do I need to implement so I can help this visualization of relative priorities between projects?