An active question was on this community that I previously added a response. However I wanted to ask a contrast based question that uses a graph to show where the two terms occur and see how a clear definition can be provided as to the relationship between these two terms (Risk, Opportunity) in Project Management.
Original Post is Here
Risk and Opportunity definitions
From what is defined in the context of project management, and encountered phrases in encountered articles I have seen before, stating that the explicit definition of a risk is not the polar graphical opposite of an opportunity.
So to understand, I wanted to ask what is it then, if they are not opposites, then are they related somehow.
Why is a risk not defined as a negative opportunity, and why is an opportunity not defined as a positive risk? The word differences make sense complete sense, but graphically they appear on opposite regions of the horizontal axis occurring at a moment in time.
To depict my understanding and comprehension, I drew a 6 region chart to segment the four quadrants.
Clearly opportunity occurs in the positive region of the future side of this 3 time partitioned graph (past, present, future).
So why wouldn't it make it the case that a opportunity is a positive risk and vice versa, or am I over looking different completely unrelated elements placed on a generic graph?