With a certain project, I reconcile on a weekly basis to determine its performance, i.e. if estimates are being adhered to or not.
Issue: Every week, the team faces a new issue that wasn't accounted for (risk planning) and the issue obviously hits the project's bottom line.
Example: Assume a project of 100 hours that needs to be completed in 4 weeks (so, for simplicity's sake, 25 hours per week).
Challenge: As outlined below:- During week 1, 25 hours spent, but issue XYZ has surfaced and cost 10 hours. During week 2, 25 hours spent, but issue ABC has surfaced and cost 12 hours.
So current status at 2 weeks is 50 hours, but 22 hours additional due to issues.
I'm being told that it's great that these issues are being logged in detail, but it doesn't instill any confidence in my PM ability if new issues are going to surface every week that affect the budget. So the issue is that the mitigation strategy is more reactive than proactive.
Question: Given that there are 2 more weeks, what is the best way to handle new issues that may (or will) pop up?