I would like to receive thoughts and possible feedback on anyone's previous experience of allocating a dedicated day to support jobs within a sprint.
Our percentage of support jobs per sprint is around 10% and are investigated randomly throughout a sprint depending on priority. Thus throughout a 2 week sprint, we would expect a day is spent on support issues.
A lot of our support issues require resources across the full stack to investigate. As some resources are currently midway through another feature, interrupting the resource is either not an option or disruptive to their current activity.
Thus, I would like to trial a dedicated day for everyone on the team to focus on support work. Obviously this won't be perfect for when there are scenarios of "drop everything, we need to fix this" but when can that be perfect?
I'm looking to achieve a sense of competition in the team and that everyone is involved in support issues, not just the usual minority. The whole team will learn how to investigate issues, minimise the issues, and gel together to resolve the problems.
Would love to hear feedback, and any tips if anyone has any available.