A typical company that worked with project management with PMI methodology and resources.
Assume a specific business unit like:
- 2 projects with different external companies (contract)
- 2 project managers. They normally are linked to a customer accounts which in this case they have their 2 projects respectively.
- 1 senior lead developer
- A dev team.
Want to go over agile and you are transitioning progresively. Using a framework like Scrum we would need 1 Scrum master, 1 product owner and a Scrum team.
If you want to arrange roles for your 2 projects, your dev team would behave as the scrum team and you will empower them to be self-organizing and you will give all resources they need to accomplish their objectives. As I've been advised they should be only focused on one project at a time and not developing features from different projects in a sprint even if the product is the same. The final product is a platform and each project is for a procurement and accounting module. We will split the current team to be specialist on each module. We will have 2 scrum teams now, one per project/account.
- Would you give the role of product owner to the senior lead developer?
- Who will be the Scrum master? Will you encourage a lead developer from your teams to be the scrum master or the existing project managers since there will be 2 teams to communicate?
- Would you limit your project managers to customer negotiation and project direction?