I understand that these problems can emerge in a variety of situations:
- There is a specific goal set by management, then the current situation has to be evaluated and decide what needs to be changed or improved to achieve that goal
- Vision has to be achieved
- Certain KPIs need to be improved
- Specific team operational problems
- Achieve or improve market-fit
- ...
But besides obvious things, how do you evaluate if something is really a problem? What if something is decided to be changed but then it turns out that that change causes wrong consequences in other areas of the product domain?
What are the tools that the PM has in order to understand the product ecosystem for these purposes? When it comes to comprehending the current situation, how does he/she decide what are the next goals?
For example, in a situation where the product is doing really well:
- Has product-market-fit
- Sales, Management, Customers ... everybody is happy
What would the goals of a PM manager be apart from at least maintaining this success? How does he/she decide what would be the next step for the product? Is there always a next step?