At my work we have a single project manager on site. We have several concurrently running projects split between a couple of dozen developers, and we also have several developer teams overseas who work on the same projects. Each project involves several cross-functional areas within our office, as well as cooperation with the overseas teams and several third party suppliers.
From what (admittedly little) I've read up online about the role of a Project Manager, it seems to me that they are meant to coordinate the project across teams, work to remove blockages, identify and act on risks.
It seems to me though, that our project manager only has a vague technical understanding of what we're doing and the cross-team collaboration, including pushing other teams to meet deadlines, often falls to me (I'm a team leader). He keeps track of our tasks at a very high level: we break down the project into tasks with estimates, we update our progress regularly, and he aggregates this information onto a graph. It does not seem to me that he understands what each task is. When he talks to us about these tasks it is basically a "how much time do you have left on this task" sort of conversation. And he just takes our word on it (which is fine with me, but possibly a problem when you just take the word of an overseas site that wants to make their figures look good).
There is no concept of linking our developer tasks to what QA is doing. While we try to push for agile within our team, QA follows a waterfall model, and starts after our feature work is done.
The act of working out potential bottlenecks, and coordinating cross-site tasks that are inter-related falls to us. We (developers) often have to push third party vendors or overseas sites for delivery dates. I think we're doing a good job at that, but to be honest I'm a technical person and I would rather be doing more technical work and focusing on my own team rather than looking at project spreadsheets, writing emails and having phone calls about other people's deadlines.
I feel like I should raise this with my management, or push back a bit when they ask me to do certain things, but I'm just not entirely sure whether my assumptions about what a project manager is meant to do are right. I haven't worked in very many software organisations, so I'm still relatively new to the org structure of a mid-sized company.
Any advice? Or maybe someone can point me to some page that outlines the different roles within a typical company clearly?